Submitting an iPhone App to the App Store
This tutorial assumes you have signed up for the iPhone Developer
Program and have access to the iPhone Dev Center as a Team Agent. It
is based on the instructions available in the iPhone Dev Center -
iPhone Developer Program Portal,
Step 1: Generate a Certificate Signing Request
On your mac, in your Applications folder, open the Utilities folder
and launch Keychain Access.
In the Preferences menu, set Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP)
and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to "Off".
Choose Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a
Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
In the User Email Address field, enter your email address. Please
ensure that the email address entered matches the information that was
submitted when you registered as an iPhone Developer.
In the Common Name field enter your name. Please ensure that the name
entered matches the information that was submitted when you registered
as an iPhone Developer.
No CA (Certificate Authority) Email Address is required. The
'Required' message will be removed after completing the following
Select the 'Saved to Disk' radio button and if prompted, select 'Let
me specify key pair information' and click 'Continue'.
If 'Let me specify key pair' was selected, specify a file name and
click 'Save'. In the following screen select '2048 bits' for the Key
Size and 'RSA' for the Algorithm. Click 'Continue'.
The Certificate Assistant will create a CSR file on your desktop.
Step 2: Submit a Certificate Signing Request for Approval
After creating a CSR, log in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal
and navigate to 'Certificates' > 'Development' and click 'Add
Click the 'Choose file' button, select your CSR and click 'Submit'. If
the Key Size was not set to 2048 bits during the CSR creation process,
the Portal will reject the CSR.
Upon submission, Team Admins will be notified via email of the
certificate request.
Once your CSR is approved or rejected by a Team Admin, you will be
notified via email of the change in your certificate status.
Step 3: Download/Install Certificate on your machine
Upon CSR approval, Team Members and Team Admins can download their
certificates via the 'Certificates' section of the Program Portal.
Click 'Download' next to the certificate name to download your iPhone
Development Certificate to your local machine.
On your local machine, double-click the downloaded .cer file to launch
Keychain Access and install your certificate.
Certificate is installed on your MAC now the next step is create a App
ID. (Note:You have to follow this step only once and later you don't
have to make certificates for your other applications.)
Step 4: Create an App ID
Log in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal and navigate to 'App
IDs' and click 'Add Id'.
In "App Id Name" enter the name of your application (i.e iphoneapp)
and in "App Id" enter something like com.yourdomain.applicationame and
click on Submit
Write down the "App Id" because you will enter this into the
Info.plist file for your app under "Bundle identifier" tag
Step 5: Create a Provisioning Profile
In the iPhone Developer Program Portal, navigate to 'Provisioning' >
'Distribution' and click 'Add Profile'.
Now select "App Store" in "Distribution Method"
In "Profile Name" type your application name, which will be your
provisioning profile name as well.
In "App ID" select the app name which you created in Step 4.
Download the Provisioning Profile.
Step 6: Import Provisioning Profile into Xcode
Locate the Provisioning Profile on your mac in Finder and drag it to
the XCode icon on your dock.
Step 7: Compile your app for distribution on app store
A. Launch Xcode and open your project.
B. If you have not already done so, drag the Distribution
Provisioning Profile downloaded from the Program Portal onto the Xcode
or iTunes icon in the dock (or, drag into
'~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles' directory.)
C. Open the Xcode project and Duplicate the "Release" configuration
in the Configurations pane of the project's Info panel. Rename this
new configuration "Distribution".
D. Duplicate Release Configuration In the Target Info window,
select the 'Build' tab and set the 'Configuration' to 'Distribution'
E. Change the Code Signing Identity In the Target Info window,
navigate to the 'Build' pane. Click the 'Any iPhone OS Device' pop-up
menu below the 'Code Signing Identity' field and select the iPhone
Distribution Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair you wish to sign
and install your code with. Your iPhone Distribution certificate will
be in bold with the Provisioning Profile associated with it in grey
above. In the example below, 'iPhone Distribution: Example Corp, Inc.'
is the Distribution Certificate and 'My App Store Distribution
Provisioning Profile' is the .mobileprovision file paired with it.
Set the 'Configuration' to 'Distribution'
Note: If the private key for your iPhone Distribution
certificate is missing, you will be unable to select the iPhone
Distribution Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair and you will see
the following. Importing the private key for your iPhone Distribution
certificate will correct this.
Import the Private Key
F. In the Properties Pane of the Target Info window, enter the
Bundle Identifier portion of your App ID. If you have used an explicit
App ID you must enter the Bundle Identifier portion of the App ID in
the Identifier field. For example enter com.domainname.applicationname
if your App ID is If you
have used a wildcard asterisk character in your App ID, replace the
asterisk with whatever string you choose.
Enter the Bundle Identifier
Here are example App IDs and what should be input into the
Identifier field in Xcode.
* Example App ID:
Identifier to enter in Xcode: com.domainname.applicationname
* Example App ID:*
Identifier to enter in Xcode:
* Example App ID: A1B2C3D4E5.*
Identifier to enter in Xcode:
G. In the project window, select the Distribution Active
Configuration from the overview popup and set the Active SDK to the
desired Device.
Select Active Configuration
For App Store Distribution, skip to Step 12. For Ad Hoc
Distribution, complete the following:
H. In the File Menu, select New File -> iPhone OS -> Code Signing
-> Entitlements.
I. Code Signing Entitlements Name the file "Entitlements.plist" and
click 'Finish'. This creates a copy of the default entitlements file
within the project.
J. Entitlements.plist File Select the new Entitlments.plist file and
uncheck the "get-task-allow" property. Save the Entitlements.plist
K. Set-Task-Allow Select the Target and open the Build settings
inspector. In the 'Code Signing Entitlements' build setting, type in
the filename of the new Entitlements.plist file including the
extension. There is no need to specify a path unless you have put the
Entitlements.plist file somewhere other than the top level of the
L. Specify new Entitlements.plist File Click 'Build'. (Note: Your
binary must contain a flattened, square-image icon that is 57x57
pixels. This icon is displayed on the iPhone or iPod touch home
M. Highlight the app located within the "Products" sub-folder and
select 'Reveal in Finder' from the Action popup.
N. Reveal in Finder Use the compress option in Finder to create a
.zip file containing your application. Be sure to compress only the
.app file only and not the entire build folder.
Create a .zip archive. You will submit this binary to itunesconnect.
O. To confirm your build was successful, check for the following:
-->Open the Build Log detail view and confirm the presence of the
"embedded.mobileprovision" file. This will take you to the line in the
build log that shows the provisioning profile was successfully called.
Ensure that the embedded.mobileproviion is located in the proper
"Distribution" build directory and is not located in a "Debug" or
"Release" build directory. Also, confirm that the destination path (at
the very end of the build message) is the app you are building.
--> Build Results Search for the term "CodeSign" in the Build Log
detail view - this will take you to the line in the build log that
confirms your application was signed by your iPhone Certificate.
Build Log
If your project is lacking any of the above files or pointing to the
wrong directory, do the following:
a. Select the Target and open the Build Settings Inspector. Confirm
you are in the Distribution Configuration.
b. Delete the Code Signing Identity: iPhone Distribution: COMPANYNAME
c. In the Xcode Build Menu, select Clean all Targets.
d. Delete any existing build directories in your Xcode project using Finder.
e. Re-launch Xcode and open your Project.
f. Re-enter the code-signing identity iPhone Distribution:
COMPANYNAME in the Target Build Settings Inspector.
g. Rebuild your Project.
Step 8: Uploading Your Binary
In your browser type (this website is
very slow over https) and login using your iphone developer account.
Click on "Manage Your Account" > "Add Application"
Be sure to be prepared to upload the following items:
A. App Name ( must be uniqe)
B. App description
C. App Category
D. URL for questions about your app
E. 512×512 px icon
F. Screen shots: 320×480 or 320×460 px size. (At least 1, up to 4)
Sent from my iPhone
This tutorial assumes you have signed up for the iPhone Developer
Program and have access to the iPhone Dev Center as a Team Agent. It
is based on the instructions available in the iPhone Dev Center -
iPhone Developer Program Portal,
Step 1: Generate a Certificate Signing Request
On your mac, in your Applications folder, open the Utilities folder
and launch Keychain Access.
In the Preferences menu, set Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP)
and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to "Off".
Choose Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a
Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
In the User Email Address field, enter your email address. Please
ensure that the email address entered matches the information that was
submitted when you registered as an iPhone Developer.
In the Common Name field enter your name. Please ensure that the name
entered matches the information that was submitted when you registered
as an iPhone Developer.
No CA (Certificate Authority) Email Address is required. The
'Required' message will be removed after completing the following
Select the 'Saved to Disk' radio button and if prompted, select 'Let
me specify key pair information' and click 'Continue'.
If 'Let me specify key pair' was selected, specify a file name and
click 'Save'. In the following screen select '2048 bits' for the Key
Size and 'RSA' for the Algorithm. Click 'Continue'.
The Certificate Assistant will create a CSR file on your desktop.
Step 2: Submit a Certificate Signing Request for Approval
After creating a CSR, log in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal
and navigate to 'Certificates' > 'Development' and click 'Add
Click the 'Choose file' button, select your CSR and click 'Submit'. If
the Key Size was not set to 2048 bits during the CSR creation process,
the Portal will reject the CSR.
Upon submission, Team Admins will be notified via email of the
certificate request.
Once your CSR is approved or rejected by a Team Admin, you will be
notified via email of the change in your certificate status.
Step 3: Download/Install Certificate on your machine
Upon CSR approval, Team Members and Team Admins can download their
certificates via the 'Certificates' section of the Program Portal.
Click 'Download' next to the certificate name to download your iPhone
Development Certificate to your local machine.
On your local machine, double-click the downloaded .cer file to launch
Keychain Access and install your certificate.
Certificate is installed on your MAC now the next step is create a App
ID. (Note:You have to follow this step only once and later you don't
have to make certificates for your other applications.)
Step 4: Create an App ID
Log in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal and navigate to 'App
IDs' and click 'Add Id'.
In "App Id Name" enter the name of your application (i.e iphoneapp)
and in "App Id" enter something like com.yourdomain.applicationame and
click on Submit
Write down the "App Id" because you will enter this into the
Info.plist file for your app under "Bundle identifier" tag
Step 5: Create a Provisioning Profile
In the iPhone Developer Program Portal, navigate to 'Provisioning' >
'Distribution' and click 'Add Profile'.
Now select "App Store" in "Distribution Method"
In "Profile Name" type your application name, which will be your
provisioning profile name as well.
In "App ID" select the app name which you created in Step 4.
Download the Provisioning Profile.
Step 6: Import Provisioning Profile into Xcode
Locate the Provisioning Profile on your mac in Finder and drag it to
the XCode icon on your dock.
Step 7: Compile your app for distribution on app store
A. Launch Xcode and open your project.
B. If you have not already done so, drag the Distribution
Provisioning Profile downloaded from the Program Portal onto the Xcode
or iTunes icon in the dock (or, drag into
'~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles' directory.)
C. Open the Xcode project and Duplicate the "Release" configuration
in the Configurations pane of the project's Info panel. Rename this
new configuration "Distribution".
D. Duplicate Release Configuration In the Target Info window,
select the 'Build' tab and set the 'Configuration' to 'Distribution'
E. Change the Code Signing Identity In the Target Info window,
navigate to the 'Build' pane. Click the 'Any iPhone OS Device' pop-up
menu below the 'Code Signing Identity' field and select the iPhone
Distribution Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair you wish to sign
and install your code with. Your iPhone Distribution certificate will
be in bold with the Provisioning Profile associated with it in grey
above. In the example below, 'iPhone Distribution: Example Corp, Inc.'
is the Distribution Certificate and 'My App Store Distribution
Provisioning Profile' is the .mobileprovision file paired with it.
Set the 'Configuration' to 'Distribution'
Note: If the private key for your iPhone Distribution
certificate is missing, you will be unable to select the iPhone
Distribution Certificate/Provisioning Profile pair and you will see
the following. Importing the private key for your iPhone Distribution
certificate will correct this.
Import the Private Key
F. In the Properties Pane of the Target Info window, enter the
Bundle Identifier portion of your App ID. If you have used an explicit
App ID you must enter the Bundle Identifier portion of the App ID in
the Identifier field. For example enter com.domainname.applicationname
if your App ID is If you
have used a wildcard asterisk character in your App ID, replace the
asterisk with whatever string you choose.
Enter the Bundle Identifier
Here are example App IDs and what should be input into the
Identifier field in Xcode.
* Example App ID:
Identifier to enter in Xcode: com.domainname.applicationname
* Example App ID:*
Identifier to enter in Xcode:
* Example App ID: A1B2C3D4E5.*
Identifier to enter in Xcode:
G. In the project window, select the Distribution Active
Configuration from the overview popup and set the Active SDK to the
desired Device.
Select Active Configuration
For App Store Distribution, skip to Step 12. For Ad Hoc
Distribution, complete the following:
H. In the File Menu, select New File -> iPhone OS -> Code Signing
-> Entitlements.
I. Code Signing Entitlements Name the file "Entitlements.plist" and
click 'Finish'. This creates a copy of the default entitlements file
within the project.
J. Entitlements.plist File Select the new Entitlments.plist file and
uncheck the "get-task-allow" property. Save the Entitlements.plist
K. Set-Task-Allow Select the Target and open the Build settings
inspector. In the 'Code Signing Entitlements' build setting, type in
the filename of the new Entitlements.plist file including the
extension. There is no need to specify a path unless you have put the
Entitlements.plist file somewhere other than the top level of the
L. Specify new Entitlements.plist File Click 'Build'. (Note: Your
binary must contain a flattened, square-image icon that is 57x57
pixels. This icon is displayed on the iPhone or iPod touch home
M. Highlight the app located within the "Products" sub-folder and
select 'Reveal in Finder' from the Action popup.
N. Reveal in Finder Use the compress option in Finder to create a
.zip file containing your application. Be sure to compress only the
.app file only and not the entire build folder.
Create a .zip archive. You will submit this binary to itunesconnect.
O. To confirm your build was successful, check for the following:
-->Open the Build Log detail view and confirm the presence of the
"embedded.mobileprovision" file. This will take you to the line in the
build log that shows the provisioning profile was successfully called.
Ensure that the embedded.mobileproviion is located in the proper
"Distribution" build directory and is not located in a "Debug" or
"Release" build directory. Also, confirm that the destination path (at
the very end of the build message) is the app you are building.
--> Build Results Search for the term "CodeSign" in the Build Log
detail view - this will take you to the line in the build log that
confirms your application was signed by your iPhone Certificate.
Build Log
If your project is lacking any of the above files or pointing to the
wrong directory, do the following:
a. Select the Target and open the Build Settings Inspector. Confirm
you are in the Distribution Configuration.
b. Delete the Code Signing Identity: iPhone Distribution: COMPANYNAME
c. In the Xcode Build Menu, select Clean all Targets.
d. Delete any existing build directories in your Xcode project using Finder.
e. Re-launch Xcode and open your Project.
f. Re-enter the code-signing identity iPhone Distribution:
COMPANYNAME in the Target Build Settings Inspector.
g. Rebuild your Project.
Step 8: Uploading Your Binary
In your browser type (this website is
very slow over https) and login using your iphone developer account.
Click on "Manage Your Account" > "Add Application"
Be sure to be prepared to upload the following items:
A. App Name ( must be uniqe)
B. App description
C. App Category
D. URL for questions about your app
E. 512×512 px icon
F. Screen shots: 320×480 or 320×460 px size. (At least 1, up to 4)
Sent from my iPhone
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